Invest in Local Agriculture

CSA stands for "Community Supported Agriculture." The CSA model allows community members to support local farms by purchasing a “share” in advance of the harvest. Members purchase a subscription in advance, helping the farm plan for the year ahead and pay for seeds, bulbs, roots, supplies, and infrastructure improvements.

Share the Risk, Reap the Reward

As a CSA member, you share in the risks and bounty of crop production. Crop insurance for small farms and flower farms doesn't really exist. Instead, we rely on our CSA members as our investors and our insurance. We take a "share the risk, reap the reward" approach. In months where we have extreme conditions, bouquets may be leaner. In months where we have an abundance, we share the bounty with our members. We find it all tends to even out in the end. While we always do our best to spoil our members, by purchasing the CSA you are agreeing to take on some risk.

2025 CSA Options

See individual offers for additional benefits.